The light wins over the dark

This song is inspired by a sacred Damanhurian song and celebrates the light winning over the dark.

A moment that happens in nature at the time of the Spring Equinox. We thought of sharing it with you, to make it easier for each one of us to wake up light in our life, especially in this moment of Spring reawakening .
Here is an adaptation of the song by a Damanhurian music group called “LissApel – Music mUvement” .

What helps you to reawaken the light within? We look forward to #ShareExperiences with you!
Happy Spring!

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Astrology Forecast 2018

The year 2018 sees the permanence of the expanding Jupiter in Scorpio until November 8, in great harmony with Neptune, which is found in Pisces, and with Saturn and Pluto that are in Capricorn. Aspects between these slow planets generally benefit all Water Signs (Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer) and Earth Signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo).


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  1. There are no knew thoughts with us. Before I just learned about Damanhur through the Gaia channel, we had already been crafting our vision of Runchero. For us now, “Runchero” is our translation of Damanhur philosophy.

    1. Dear Kevin, there is no One Path till you choose one, and the chosen path is the right path if chosen and pursued with heart! Great to hear from you Kevin, all the best!