Synchronic Horoscope:March 5-11, 2017
Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your personality), Moon (your psyche) and Midheaven (social recognition), as well as the other planets of your birth chart.
ARIES 3212 – The image of the first animal or insect you will see during the day, from this moment on. The symbol of the Answer.- But can we know what it is you are doing with your life?
TAURUS 3235 – Away with the mask. Humility. You will be accepted the way you are.- Each day is gained, not wasted.
GEMINI 6453 – The hour, the moment. Love the plants. Incomplete list.- The signs, the cards, the horoscope…
CANCER 4116 – Tearing out your hair does not make it grow better. Do not waste time.-Action, not despair.
LEO 5251 – A surprise. Everything is to be taken well. Adaptation. -Acting readily. Smiling.
VIRGO 4244 – Water, today, is in tune with you. – Life from water. Detaching oneself..
LIBRA 2426 -Death. Renewal. Close to you.- A woman. Protection, your City.
SCORPIO 4253 -Ruin. Fall. A Trial. As long as you are not touched, everything is easy. A minuscule test is for you very hard. – Strength is being able, if necessary, to receive a beating and say thank you.
SAGITTARIUS 3423 -There is much more pain around you than within you. You are not that important. But you are unique. Comprehension.-A communication. Go beyond words. Understand.
CAPRICORN 6645 – The Master loves the Initiate even in mistakes. The Tests are for all incarnated beings. The Cup. – Talk to me as a friend.
AQUARIUS 6422 – Closing Synchrodoor. Re-opening by chance. Science through the Rite. – Interrupted hesitation. Decisive action.
PISCES 3261 -The strong mountain. Retreat prepares for victory. – Change your current physical appearance.
by Soffio: click here to message him through our contact page
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