Falco Tarassaco in the Odditorium

A new book The Odditorium on Amazon: the tricksters, eccentrics, deviants and inventors whose obsessions changed the world features Falco Tarassaco, Damanhur and the Temples of Humankind in the “Explorers of the Mind” chapter. The Odditorium is curated and written by Jo Keeling and Dr. David Bramwell. David shares, “There is nowhere on Earth like Damanhur and it all began with Falco’s vision. That’s why he’s in the book!”

Other featured personalities include writer, comedian and prankster Ken Campbell, architect Paulo Soleri from Turin, and the likes of Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven who could be considered the first American Dada artist. Read more about featured eccentrics of the Odditorium in this ernest. blog article.

May we all be inspired by unusual creative endeavors to bring our own visions to life!

Here is an excerpt from the section about Falco Tarassaco…

An excerpt from the section about Falco Tarassaco…

In recent decades, Hollywood has articulated new modern myths, such as Star Wars, but what Tarassaco has created with Damanhur appears to be utterly unique in the modern world – a living myth…. With Airaudi as auteur, Damanhur’s residents built a glorious film set on an epic scale, chose their roles and – year by year – continue to develop the script… Thanks to his singular vision, the world’s largest underground temple is now lodged inside an Alpine mountain… this is no dusty pile of stone but a living temple, regularly used for Damanhurian rituals and ceremonies.

The Odditorium: The tricksters, eccentrics, deviants and inventors whose obsessions changed the world on Amazon…

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