Healing horses with Selfica

Sometimes we, as humans, choose work our bodies like racehorses. To the extreme. When the sensible thing would be to rest, drink some water and eat light foods, do some yoga… we stay up another night until 2 am, drink coffee with sugar to have the energy to get through another work day, do straining physical work or sports without stretching beforehand. Although holistic treatments can’t substitute a healthy and balanced lifestyle, they can help us find an equilibrium again after extreme situations.

Dennis Holmberg shares the first story I have ever heard about rehabilitation of actual race horses with prana and stiloself (high technology Selfica) treatments. He finds it is helping them loosen up and maybe even win.

Dennis is an event-rider and ex racehorse trainer from Norway, farrier since 1961 and physiotherapist on horses since 1983. Healer of humans and animals. He shares:

I treated 18 racehorses with prana healing and stiloself healing. The horses were given the treatments during January and February. Due to the weather conditions, the horses were given light work.

The name of this horse is BeenThereDoneThat. He is four years old now, won big last year, and there are huge expectations about him, with or without treatments. Exciting prospect.

Each horse was given between four to six treatments, of around 30 minutes each. I began by treating the back and the hind part. Every horse in training has an issue here. It is easy to localize with experienced hands, and the stiloself put me absolutely spot on. For seven of the horses, the result was significant overnight, with a change in their profile after the first treatment! Not surprising in and of itself, but it was the extent of the change that surprised me. Such big changes in such a short time. I have never witnessed this before. And, much of the soreness was gone. Just amazing! All horses have improved their movements and no more sore backs, so far. Some of the horses that had a very tensed walk have loosened up totally. Two horses, who were stressed going home after work, now walk home on a long rein.

The result from using the stiloself really amazed me. With more than 30 years of experience of physiotherapy on horses with different methods, I have never seen results like this. Not from my work, nor from anybody else’s or any medicine or drug. There are many other details, and maybe the best and most important is the sweetness in the eyes and the gentleness in their behavior.

Question: How can we take advantage of this treatment for the benefit of the horses’ well being? How can we learn to understand the horse better?

horse 3With such a powerful tool, it is important to build on the improvement that have been created. Really listen with the whole of your body, mind and heart. If we continue like before and refuse to see and feel the signs of distress in the horses, we will not get much further. It might even look like some horses will win races because of this kind of treatment. But the important thing is to not lose sight of what really makes horses win races.

The feedback from the riders, after a few weeks of more serious work, is very positive. All horses are okay and thriving from the treatment.

a big hug,

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