Forecast and divination messages to meditate on for June 2016

1) The energy resultant (ER) of the positive (+) and negative (-) aspects of the planets with the zodiac signs
2) Astrology forecast

3) Synchronic phrase, from a ritual dice-launching using the Book of Synchronicity by Falco Tarassaco
4) Tarot card extracted from a tarot deck with Selfic Paintings by Falco Tarassaco
5) The energy of Numbers: obtained by a combined dice launchwith reference to the Quesiti, according to meanings drawn from “Numerology” by M. Cipriani.

Note: the zodiac signs are listed in the order of the energy resultant, from lowest to highest.


tarot07ER +24-34 = -10

The awareness of difficulties and weak points can make you stronger, even if you are not feeling particularly inspired in the moment. Do not be distracted by the final result.

3111 – The thought-of sword. Perfection. The storm. – Never be ashamed of your origins. Draw strength from them. The wisdom of the fool.

7 – The Chariot – Triumphal march, ability, skill, tact, diplomacy, progress, superiority, applied strategy, tactical ostentation… Netzack. influence: Mars-Sun.

8 – Organization, planning, entrepreneurship. Responsibility. Efficiency. Power of action, practical, strength! Color: black. Stone: onyx. 8th Quesito.


tarot05ER +32-34 = -2

You are immersed in a generally beneficial condition. You can let yourself be moved by what is happening around you, if you can avoid the (very strong) risk of misusing your energies, directing them toward complacency or remaining inactive in the face of difficulties.

6312 – Truth, you know, is a crystal with many faces. Accept the ones which are offered to you. The path. Initiation. – Be proud of being a part of the things you are experiencing.

5 – The Pope – Measure of morals, duty, reference to conscience, gnosis, indulgence, conceded forgiveness, delegated spiritual power… Chokmah. Influence: Jupiter.

1 – Action, decision, initiative, courage. Independence. Personality, creativity, begin something. Color: red. Stone: ruby. 1st Quesito.


tarot12ER +28-26 = +2

The current strength and brilliance, charisma and friendships that you feel, this cannot completely remove you from the effort of examining your relations and a certain kind of behavior of yours, one that does not fully correspond to what is relevant for you (reflect on this).

2621 – A letter. Writing and receiving. The address may even be your own. – Cutting. Habits.

12 – The Hanged Man – Courage to face punishment, discomfort, problems and responsibilities. Abnegation, agreeing to selfless sacrifice, forgetting wrongdoings…

2 – Collaboration, union, compromise. Sensitivity, listening. Knowing how to advise (others). Color: orange. Stone: selenite/silver. (If 11: revelation). 2nd Quesito.


tarot32ER +36-33 = +3

There are commitments and responsibilities that do not leave the necessary space to relax. There is a strong movement of the imagination, but it does not find complete understanding in your own home, and it tends to disperse energy.

6211 – Metal. Today it is synchronic for you. Time of meditation and astral traveling. – Synchronic bracelet.

32 – Company – Group, society, organization, community, association, affiliation to something… Band, organized mass, cohort, legion, school class, sect, applied philosophy, religion for the few, selective…

4 – Build, explore, self-discipline. Method and constancy. Work, useful occupations, make projects. Color: green. Stone: emerald/gold. (If 22: concrete dreams and idealism) 4th Quesito.


tarot64ER +28-25 = +3

Many opportunities for conversations and new ideas. In some cases it is possible to find solutions through new approaches that are elaborated through these openings and broader perspectives.

1445 – You await an answer. But afterwards, do you know how to change? – You are Leaf.

64 – Brown-haired Man – Merchant, negotiator, mediates goods, banker, calculator, speculator, media expert, consumer tastes…

1 – Action, decision, initiative, courage. Independence. Personality, creativity, begin something. Color: red. Stone: ruby. 1st Quesito.


tarot68ER +28-17 = +11

There is a desire to do things, to express yourself, to implement many ideas. It’s time to let out what naturally wants to be shared. This can bring freshness even to the activities in which you have many responsibilities.

1625 – Watchful; your business clearly improves. – Will.

68 – Home – Domicile, protected place, childhood memories, shelter, home management, economy, extraction, influence of the birth place…

4 – Build, explore, self-discipline. Method and constancy. Work, useful occupations, make projects. Color: green. Stone: emerald/gold. (If 22: concrete dreams and idealism) 4th Quesito.


tarot36ER +33-15 = +18

Listening to the wise part of yourself (even though it doesn’t seem to be saying anything new) can be very useful and especially supportive in maintaining a well-defined line of action, one that offers forward-looking perspectives.

6652 – The unstable equilibrium. Almost synchronic. Rectitude. The torch is to be kept high. At times, we procure Trials by ourselves. – The honest magic choices. Surpassing the moon. 18

36 – Blonde Man – Honest person, sense of justice, artistic sense, science, spirit of observation…

8 – Organization, planning, entrepreneurship. Responsibility. Efficiency. Power of action, practical, strength! Color: black. Stone: onyx. 8th Quesito.


tarot02ER +36-16 = +20

Intuition supported by an overall analytical vision. The best developments from your actions are in the first part of the month.

5534 – Division. Breaking apart to unite. Burnt wood. Health of neighbors diminished. – The courage of separation.

2 – Priestess – Mystery on ones own shoulders, contained and managed, intuition, piety, capacity to meditate in order to choose, inner silence to listen to the beyond… I guide power indirectly, veiling projects and strategies…

5 – Movement, unexpected change. Having experiences. Knowing how to adapt. Freedom, progress. Color: sky blue. Stone: turquoise. 5th Quesito.


tarot27ER +39-18 = +21

Your perceptions are very expanded, enough to give you a glimpse of something that is not clear and that you know must be changed.

5161 – Heat is harmful to you. Cold is healthy for you. Nobility of intention. – Moderation, do not flare up.

27 – Late – Distance, far away, postponements, delays, difficulty in achieving something, cooling down of situations, suspensions, postponed judgments, new perspectives and strategies are necessary…

2 – Collaboration, union, compromise. Sensitivity, listening. Knowing how to advise (others). Color: orange. Stone: selenite/silver. (If 11: revelation). 2nd Quesito.


tarot04ER +33-11 = +22

There are no differences in “taste” between expectations and satisfactions, and now you could possibly obtain both, especially if you have cultivated them over time.

2111 – Your heart and your brain have two different rhythms. Waiting. WE. – Do not run away from yourself. Your Fortune.

4 – The Emperor – Decision, firmness, positivity, expressed power, execution. CHESED demonstration, knowledge-power, ostentatious symbols of power, if it is strategic and useful… influence: Mars-Saturn.

4 – Build, explore, self-discipline. Method and constancy. Work, useful occupations, make projects. Color: green. Stone: emerald/gold. (If 22: concrete dreams and idealism) 4th Quesito.


tarot09ER +40-10 = +30

When it is possible to observe yourself through the mirror of the others, you should take a good look without rushing. It’s a good time to renew yourself with equilibrium.

6326 – The pain of others neglected. Go back to where you belong. Superficiality. – More attention and generosity.

9 – The Hermit – Prudent choice, privacy, constructive solitude, restriction, meditation, trial for oneself, shedding light on the dangerous path… JESOD. influence: Saturn.

5 – Movement, unexpected change. Having experiences. Knowing how to adapt. Freedom, progress. Color: sky blue. Stone: turquoise. 5th Quesito.


tarot43ER +40-4 = +36

A big push forward can result from developments that are given creative energy, and this must be guided by an ideal plan of projects and friendships.

6455 – The hour, the moment. Love the plants. Incomplete list. – The encounter.

43 – Thought – Soul structure, thought, memory, intelligence, meditation, imagination, telepathic sensitivity, affinity for the inner world…

3 – Communicate, connections, public presentation, guide. Extroversion. Express yourselves, avoid exaggerations, have fun. Color: yellow. Stone: topaz. 3rd Quesito.


by Soffio