Truth and community

Here are some reflections about dancing on the edge of personal transformation in community, with the intention to reawaken divinity within the self, in humanity and on planet Earth.

Written by Juliane K. a recent AMINE’ program participant:

JuliI simply followed the call of my inner voice by coming to Damanhur in times of intense transition in my life. I feel my process is a fractal in a whole new phase of awakening among people who are moving toward their collective truth. Enlightenment will no longer be an individual issue, but rather a collective process of remembering and reconnecting to our divinity. To the deep wisdom of our soul.

I have never experienced a community weaving the net of consciousness, memory and creation in such an intense, active and thriving way as I felt at Damanhur. I have never felt like I was encountering my truth, while so closely animated by a community of people committed to progress and growth. My time in Damanhur gave me insight into how individual and collective processes can go together until the membranes melt, becoming one.

It is the Spiritual Vision, the belief in divinity as the essence of being and its creation in the material world, shaping a common ground and visionary north star for Damanhurians. Aminè program - discovering DamanhurA vision that becomes form. A vision that is lived every day, every second. Bringing the divine into matter. A whole new approach to spirituality!

My deepest gratitude to Damanhur for opening their spaces for me as I had these life changing experiences. I feel more than connected to this wonderful place, the community, its pathway and mission, inspired and enabled to live my truth in community. This philosophy is now part of my being, as it has always been, existing deep within myself.

I highly recommend taking part in the AMINE program, diving into Damanhur, experiencing community and yourself in a very special, intense way! Ten days filled with inspiring encounters, moving screationtories, discovering, release, challenge, love, growth, remembering, connecting and transformation. Warning: Be sure. You will change. But life is not about peace on the surface, it is about going beyond. It is about evolution and progress through going deep. If you agree, go for it!

It’s only 10 days. Go ahead and embrace change.

AMINE’. If you have been thinking of participating… now is the time to inquire! The next groups are arriving Nov. 7 and Dec. 29 in 2015 and every month in 2016.

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